How to make a website in 5 easy stages from scratch (for beginners)

Your website should show you or your company in the best possible light, regardless of the kind of site you want to create. This is frequently easier said than done; whether utilizing a website builder or creating a website from scratch, burnout is a regular occurrence.

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Thankfully, you can learn how to create a website from scratch without losing your sanity by following this instructions. For further guidance on getting your website publish-ready, see our website launch checklist or continue reading for professional advice on getting started.

1. Choose the kind of website you wish to create.

The first step in creating any website is identifying its purpose and target market. You may take action to create a website that not only looks good but also functions as you had hoped by determining your niche and goal.

Everything on your website, including the design and content, should support the desired outcome. An online store and a portfolio website, for instance, will obviously seem different. In contrast to an online store, which aims to monetise your website with product pages, payment pages, and maybe even print-on-demand interfaces, a portfolio consists of pages that display your work and a conspicuous “Contact Me” form.

2. Select the website creator.

One well-liked and reasonably priced option that lets you create, customize, upload, and maintain a website without knowing coding is a website builder. The top platforms offer 24/7 support, built-in capabilities that make scaling easier, and expeditious setup and startup times for websites.

If you choose the correct website builder, you won’t have to deal with the plethora of small details that other do-it-yourself website owners could encounter (such as manually implementing security features and troubleshooting issues). Web development is handled for you by low-code/no-code software, so you don’t need to know how to code in order to modify your website. AI-powered features are also a feature of contemporary website builders, enabling you to work more quickly and intelligently than before.

Having said that, even if there are a number of reliable companies in the website-building space, you should always conduct your research before making an investment. Making the incorrect decision might cause you to have severe regrets in the future.

3. Select a template.

The most crucial component of any website is its visual design. It’s advisable to spend your time considering your possibilities before deciding on the style and visuals. Start by selecting the template that best suits your vision from this collection of well designed websites.

There are many customisable alternatives available, whether you’re searching for model portfolio samples, portfolio templates, or templates for an online store. These include both basic and intricate website themes.

While you’re designing your website, observe the designs of your rivals’ websites and explore alternative visual aids such as Pinterest and Instagram. You may learn what fonts, colors, and web design trends and styles your audience like by looking at all of these samples. Don’t, however, duplicate previous work. Instead, learn about the visual language you wish to use and make sure it speaks to the people you want to reach.

4. Tailor your template to reflect your brand

Since your website represents your personal or professional brand and is frequently the first point of contact that potential customers have with you, you should take care to make sure it is distinctively yours. To stay rooted, set clear branding standards before you get bogged down in the specifics. Your website’s design should be influenced by these rules, as well as the specifics like the color of your buttons, the positioning of your logo, and the tone of your microcopy.

Making a basic concept map with a pen and paper is a terrific way to get started. Write the kind of website you want to create in the middle of your map. Consider the words and phrases that best capture the atmosphere you want to create. Write each of the phrases that flow from your original concept in its own circle.

Breaking down your brand into its component parts can make it much simpler to take on bigger projects. When you’re creating your initial logo or thinking about what kinds of images to use on your website, keep this map in mind.

Recall that a well-designed website is in line with your company identity, aesthetically pleasing, and simple to use. Long-term benefits might result from taking the time to do this correctly.

5. Create the framework of your website

If a website is clumsy and challenging to use, its aesthetic appeal is meaningless. Make sure it’s simple for users to locate the precise pages they’re looking for on your website before making it public. There are a few key elements to consider, which are outlined below.

Make a sitemap.

The sitemap serves as the architectural plan for your website. To help web crawlers like Google better locate and comprehend your sites, it contains all the pages and material you want to generate. Normally, a sitemap has to be updated everytime you add or rearrange pages, but Wix and other similar platforms do the creation and updating of sitemaps automatically.

Make your navigation menu more efficient.

Your site’s navigation menu directs human visitors to the appropriate pages. Usually, it appears on your website as a vertical or horizontal bar containing connections to other sites. Generally speaking, your website should be set up such that a user may navigate between pages with no more than three clicks.

However, not every page on your website has to—and shouldn’t—be in your main menu. Provide a simple option for visitors to return to their starting point by linking to the most significant or well-liked pages from this page. (Adding a clickable logo at the top of your page that directs users back to the homepage is one of the finest methods to accomplish this.)

For ideas, look at the navigation menu designs of your favorite websites. For example, you could wish to incorporate a more visually appealing mega menu that enables viewers to hover over a primary menu item to view connections under subcategories.

An anchor menu that connects to particular pages or portions of a page might be placed at the top of a page if you’re building a basic website with fewer pages.

Additionally, you should take the effort to optimize your menu for mobile devices to ensure that everything displays properly on smartphones and tablets.

Simply navigate to your side panel on the left side of the Wix editor and click the “+” symbol at the top of the panel to add an element to create a menu. Next, pick your preferred style by selecting “Menu & Anchor” from the drop-down menu.


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