Utilizations, tools, and dangers of colon hydrotherapy

Using water to drain waste from the large intestine is known as hydrotherapy of the colon, also known as colonic cleaning or Colonic Irrigation Services.

The large intestine, or colon, absorbs minerals and water from waste products that have passed through the body.

The remainder is broken down by bacteria in the colon and finally leaves the body through the anus and rectum.

According to the Association of Registered Colon Hydrotherapists (ARCH), hydrotherapy is easy, safe, and convenient. Some individuals think it can cleanse the colon.

However, colonic hydrotherapy is not supported by scientific data as a means of promoting health or cleansing the body.

Applications and purported advantages

Alternative medicine practitioners may extol the virtues of colonic irrigation, but these assertions are unsupported by scientific data.

A person may learn that colon hydrotherapy aids in:

Loss of weight

There is no proof that hydrotherapy can help people lose weight, despite what some practitioners claim.

It is possible for someone to lose a few pounds after the treatment, although this is a transient condition caused by the loss of fluids and feces.

Irritable bowel syndrome treatment

Some medical professionals assert that colonic irrigation relieves irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) symptoms.

This is partially based on a 2016 research with just 18 individuals who said that colonic irrigation helped their IBS symptoms.

Abdominal discomfort, constipation, and diarrhea were among the symptoms that improved. The participants also reported feeling less concerned by their symptoms and more happy with their bowel motions.

However, it is crucial to note that this study had no control group and was somewhat small. The experts agree that larger trials that look at the long-term impacts, especially those on quality of life, and more study with placebos are necessary.


The idea that poisons seep into the body from bacteria in the colon gained traction in the early 1900s. Autointoxication was an idea that was quickly disproved.

It still serves as support for the idea that colonic irrigation aids in the body’s detoxification, nevertheless. The liver and kidneys are two organs that the body has been designed to fulfill this function.

Pre-operative cleaning

For large intestine diagnostic and surgical operations to be dependable, adequate cleansing is essential.

Thorough colon cleansing is frequently necessary for the precision and security of such procedures, including colonoscopies. This can be accomplished by hydrotherapy.

However, dietary modifications and the consumption of recommended remedies are two safer alternatives for colon cleansing.

Anybody having surgery or a treatment should get thorough preparation instructions from their physician.


Colonic irrigation is the process of sending water into the colon by putting a device’s nozzle into the rectum.

The entire process typically takes about 45 minutes, and the water’s temperature and pressure may be adjusted by an individual.

The bowel passes around 16 liters of water, which may include coffee or herbal infusions. Although there is little to no evidence to support this, they are said to provide further advantages.

In contrast to an enema, contemporary colonic hydrotherapy cleanses the whole large intestine, according to ARCH.


Because colon hydrotherapy is an optional surgery, it is not covered by health insurance.

Although costs vary by region, each session should cost at least $45. Some group-buying websites may provide discounts.

Complications and hazards

There are no known advantages to colon hydrotherapy. In the meanwhile, several adverse effects have been recorded by those who have had it.

Some mild adverse effects include:

cramps and stomach ache

Bloating and fullness


nausea, vomiting, and lightheadedness

Anal pain and discomfort

The following are more serious side effects of colon hydrotherapy:


renal failure

heart failure

Find more about further documented negative effects of colonic irrigation below:


Dehydration can be problematic since the operation causes the body to lose fluids.


One concern is infection, which can be brought on by contaminated equipment or by equipment that permits feces to return to the colon.

The elimination of beneficial microorganisms might potentially result in infection. The manner in which colonic irrigation could lead to a microbiota imbalance are still not completely understood by scientists.

Bowel perforation

When water is forced into the colon, the pressure can harm the colon’s wall and cause it to rip. This condition is a medical emergency and is known as a perforated bowel.

The first symptoms might include fever, chills, discomfort, and nausea. Sepsis, a severe reaction to an infection that can be lethal, may then develop in the body.

In brief

Numerous assertions on the potential advantages of colonic irrigation lack scientific backing.

The majority of medical specialists do not advise colon hydrotherapy because of the hazards, some of which are quite serious, and the lack of advantages.


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